Wednesday, March 12, 2025
HomeHealth & FitnessUnderstanding the Progression of Alzheimer Disease

Understanding the Progression of Alzheimer Disease

Watching a loved one’s struggle with Alzheimer’s disease is challenging. You cannot  determine how quickly or slowly the disease will progress or exactly how it will affect someone’s cognitive abilities. Better you should know about how the disease is and what the symptoms are, so that it will be helpful for you to predict the disease.

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects the brain and, eventually, the body.

The progression of Alzheimer’s disease vary for every individual. The rate at which it progresses also varies from person to person. However, there are certain things that happen as the disease progresses such as memory loss and having difficulties with language

What are the Risk Factors for Developing Alzheimer at Early Stage or Late Stage?

There are many risk factors that affect the development of an individual. One of the risk factor is age. The age of an individual can be a factor in determining whether they are at a high or low developmental stage. Another risk factor is abuse or neglect during childhood. If a person experienced abuse or neglect during their childhood, this could be a sign of low developmental stage and high risk for developing mental health problems later in life.

What are the Symptoms of Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease?

Early stage Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia. It’s a term for symptoms that include memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language.

The symptoms of early stage Alzheimer’s disease are very similar to the symptoms of other types of dementia, so it can be difficult to diagnose. The most common early signs are:

  • Memory problems that worsen over time
  • Problems with language and thinking
  • Confusion about time and place
  • Problems recognizing family and friends
  • Misplacing things
  • Poor judgment

What are the Symptoms of Late Stage Alzheimer’s Disease?

Once Alzheimer’s disease becomes severe i.e. it’s at the last stage, your loved one may need more care. In the last stage of Alzheimer’s disease, the person will have a hard time remembering anything that just happened. They may have lost their ability to control their bladder or maintain personal hygiene. They will be in need of help for eating, walking, or doing other tasks. They also can’t remember what they had for breakfast, even who they just talked to. They may have trouble recognizing family members and friends. 

memory loss

When it comes to their cognitive function, they may not be alert and oriented many of the time. Communication can become challenging and frustrating for them at this stage. Memory loss becomes much worse and it becomes difficult to communicate or carry out daily tasks like dressing or bathing independently. 

How is Alzheimer Diagnosed in Order to Determine Which Stage One has Reached?

The diagnosis process for Alzheimer’s is not cut and dry. It involves a careful evaluation of an individual’s cognitive skills to rule out any other possible causes. A doctor will want to know about the individual’s medical history, family history, any neurological symptoms they might be experiencing, and their lifestyle habits.

There are various stages of Alzheimer’s disease, and it is important to know which stage you or your loved one is in in order to plan for the future. 

  • The first stage, known as pre-dementia, is when people may experience memory lapses and difficulties in concentration. 
  • The second stage, known as mild cognitive impairment (MCI), is when people may start to experience more severe memory problems. MCI can be a warning sign of Alzheimer’s disease because it often leads to dementia.
  • The third stage, known as moderate cognitive impairment (MCI), is when people with MCI will have trouble remembering things that they should easily remember like the names of family members or where they put their keys.

The early stages of Alzheimer’s disease are often unnoticeable and can occur at any age. Even though they can be embarrassing for those affected, Alzheimer’s disease does not cause anyone to feel threatened. In fact, it is the best way to prevent the development of dementia. Having an early diagnosis may even help you prevent a full diagnosis and delay the inevitable. When you are in the early stages of the disease, you can plan your care. 

Since the timeline for Alzheimer’s disease can be unpredictable, the best you can do is make sure your loved one’s needs are met and enjoy your time together. 

Getting home caregiver services in fort worth tx from agencies like Cambridge Caregivers can allow them to remain independent. They consider all the above points to take care of your loved ones and support them in each and every situation when needed.


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